Remember Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Remember Hiroshima & Nagasaki

The people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who were in the city at the time the bombs fell are getting old. Their average age is in the eighties. Once they are gone, who will remember the horror of that day? We will! We will remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki because the destruction was so horrible, the loss […]

Remembering the Dead

Remembering the Dead

Imagine there’s no countries It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Living life in peace. John Lennon, Imagine Memorial Day is a day set aside to remember the dead. It began after the American Civil War as a day set aside to decorate […]

Another Mother for Peace

Another Mother for Peace

War is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things! Lorrianne Schneider In 1967, Lorriane Schneider a mother of four children created the poster that would become the icon of the anti-war movement. Her motivation was one shared by many other mothers. Her son was eligible for the draft, and she feared he’d be sent […]

Where the Angels Lived – A TPN Book Review

Where the Angels Lived – A TPN Book Review

~Does the Past Foreshadow the Future? ~ The choice to remember, and why and how to remember are explored in the memoir Where Angels Lived by Margaret McMullen as she discovers her lost Jewish relatives in Hungary.  The family’s traits, both physical and behavioral, become evidence linking the past to the present. The historical past […]

What Are You Doing on International Peace Day?

What Are You Doing on International Peace Day?

Saturday September 21st is International Peace Day. Find a listing of possible International Peace Day events you can organize at home, at school, or in the community.

Free Peace Activity Ideas for Parents and Teachers

Free Peace Activity Ideas for Parents and Teachers

~ Let Us Teach Peace ~ Check out these teacher-tested classroom and family-friendly activities that promote peaceful personal relationships, an understanding of the futility of war, and ways to world peace. Click on the title for the full lesson plan -Build a Peace Wall – Combine your ideas for peace with everyone else’s to make […]

7 Wonderful Anti-War Picture Books

7 Wonderful Anti-War Picture Books

~ Are You Anti-War? Are Your Children? ~ Today, only one percent of the news we see on television or read about in our newspapers covers the wars that are raging around the world. As a result, in the United States, we have a generation of children who rarely have their lives touched by the […]

Mother’s Day and Social Justice

Mother’s Day and Social Justice

~ How Are You Celebrating Mother’s Day? ~ Mother’s Day was never intended to be a commercial holiday with cards and flowers and candies. The original women who organized Mother’s Days or Clubs did so with a sense of purpose. Juliet Ward Howe – Mother’s Day: A Day for Peace Julia Ward Howe wanted it […]