Looking for some great books to gift the children in your lives? Here are some TPN recommended books:
Books for Holiday Gift Giving

Looking for some great books to gift the children in your lives? Here are some TPN recommended books:
Because there are two types of bullies, prevention activities and programs need to take a variety of approaches.
Discussing Down Syndrome with young children doesn’t have to be difficult. Start by laying a frame work of valuing differences and fostering empathy for all people. Many of TPN’s Great Books and Empathy Activities are a great place to start.
Kamala Harris’s Superheroes Are Everywhere is a book that Teach Peace Now would like to recommend to parents and teachers as a book worth sharing with elementary school children.
Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli deals with bullying, poverty, racism, and compassion. Discussion questions and activities to accompany the book
~ What Can Allies Do ~ Bully proofing Educate yourself about the problem and be in touch with your own feelings on the issue. Challenge stereotypes and avoid making stereotypic comments yourself. Identify yourself as a potential ally by wearing a button, or other identifying symbol. Go out of your way to befriend people who […]
~ The Anti-Bullying Quilt ~ Objective: To learn about bullying and what to do when it happens Grade Level: Kindergarten and up Preparation: Have scissors, markers, glue, and a long sheet of mural type paper. Introduction: Bully Proofing Yourself and Others Learn about bullying. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Read some of […]
Learning How to Stand Up to Bullies A Lesson Plan for All Levels Objective: To help students understand the difference between being a bystander and an activist ally. Grade level: Elementary through High School Preparation: Select a book to read aloud that shows someone being victimized. Some possible books include: Elementary level – The Araboolies […]
The first component is Cognitive. We must understand what bullying is so we can recognize it when we see it. The second component is Emotion. Unless our emotions are engaged, we will not be able to step beyond our own self-consciousness to take action for others. The key emotions are empathy – being able to […]
Many people played a role in the Civil Rights Movement. She Stood for Freedom is a brand new children’s book that tells the story of Joan Trumpauer Mulholland. Although raised in the South and surrounded by segregation, Joan was angered by the unfair treatment of people because of the color of their skin. In 1960, despite […]
What does it mean to be an effective ally in a social movement? To be an ally means to be someone from outside an oppressed group who comes to help those who are discriminated against. The following ideas are summarized from a roundtable discussion broadcast on the radio program Making Contact and reprinted this week […]