Another Song for Christmas

By Joan Koster You may be familiar with Stevie Wonder’s Song Someday at Christmas. Here is version you may not have seen. The war in East Congo has been going on for over twenty years and is being fought over copper, tin, and coltane (tantalite) – over 24 trillion dollars worth – all important components of your smartphones […]

A Christmas Carol for the World

There can be no peace on earth until we are at peace with the earth. Please join in singing this song with your students, your neighbors, your friends, your relatives, and your children. Then take action. Save the Whales Save the Rainforest Save the Polar Bears Save the Elephants Plastic in our Oceans Ban Fracking […]

A Big Book of Peace

If you were going to make the biggest book in the world, what topic would you choose? What would you have the most to say about? What would you want to tell people that would take thousands of dollars, many years, and the efforts of hundreds?  A group of fifth graders chose PEACE.  Here is […]

Can you detach your child from the screen?

The Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood, is sponsoring Screen Free Week for April 29-May 5. Young children now spend 32 hours a week in front of screens – TVs, computers, iPads, and cell phones. Recent research on the effect of the overuse of computers and hours spent indoors on the vision of children strongly suggests that screen exposure […]

3 Poetry Books for April

April is National Poetry Month. What books are you reading to your children? Are they full of hippity hoppity bunnies and spring flowers? Nothing wrong with that. But how about trying one or more of these.  Here are three poetic books to share with your children. Each one is completely different from the other, but […]

The arts are a universal language of peace

by Joan Koster, author Growing Artists: Teaching the Arts to Young Children We may not understand the words in a song or the techniques in a painting from another time or place, but we can feel the artist’s humanity and feel what is important to him or her.  In this way we can cross boundaries […]

Megan Landry sings “Stronger”

Megan Landry, a 15 year old Canadian, sings about the pain bullying causes in this original song she wrote. Find Megan on Facebook Bullying for girls often takes the form of name calling and put downs that destroy self-image. Learn more at Girls’ Health