~Ending Stereotypes~
In this simply stated book a young girl describes two women, both named Mrs. Gibson. One woman is African American, the other is Japanese American. The girl tells about what is it like to visit each one and in doing so shows how they are culturally different. At the end is the surprise. The one Mrs. Gibson is her mother and the other, her grandmother. A family portrait ends the book. Highly recommended. Lower Elementary

Guiding Questions
Before reading
Do you have or do you know someone who has relatives who are from different races or cultures?
After reading
How are the two Mrs. Gibson’s alike?
How are they different?
- Have children bring in pictures of their families and make a display.
- Have family members visit the class and share something from their childhood.
- Have children draw pictures of their families or make illustrated books.
About the Author

This is an autobiographical book based on the life of the author who is Japanese African American.
Learn More about Toyomi Igus
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