Peace: A Teach Peace Now Book Review

Peace by Miranda (Illustrator) and Baptiste Paul  (Author) is a picture book for lower elementary school and preschool students. The simple rhyming text provides a series of ways, both small and large, to foster peace that even the youngest child can understand and carry out.

The vibrant illustrations show children from all over the world acting in peaceful ways with each other as they frolic in richly designed environments.

Questions to Ask before Reading

  1. What does peace mean to you?
  2. How can you help make our classroom, our school, our community, the world more peaceful

Questions to Ask after Reading

  1. Have you ever done something shown in this book?
  2. Tell about how it made you feel?

Activity: Making Peace Real

  • Make a list of being peaceful activities based on the ideas in the book.
  • Have children brainstorm ways they can do these things.
  • Have them draw pictures of them doing their peaceful activities, perhaps in a special Peaceful Me diary or hand-made booklet. Encourage them to make their pictures as colorful as the ones in this book.
  • Create a Peaceful Classroom Chart listing the ideas brainstormed.
  • Put a checkmark on the chart every time they see someone in the class being a peacemaker.

More TPN recommended books on peace

Have you read this book to children? Have you tried this activity? Post your thoughts and comments below.

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About Teach Peace Now

We offer books, activities, lesson plans, and ideas that teachers, parents, and students can use to promote values, attitudes and behaviors which encourage non-violent resolution of conflict, respect for human rights, democracy, intercultural understanding and tolerance.

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