What if they gave a war and nobody came?
A new song, Zor and Zam by the Monkees, has been added to our music page. It’s an oldie but worth singing again.
What if they gave a war and nobody came?
A new song, Zor and Zam by the Monkees, has been added to our music page. It’s an oldie but worth singing again.
Am I the first to remember this song. God! Am I old? I had the album, and everyone in my family firmly understood this as a protest song, along with “Clarksville”. I had the lyrics memorized, still do.
We understood that the Monkees went out on a limb to publish this song, having been organized to appeal to the mainstream of the time. By the time “Birds and Bees” came out they had some power over what they sang, and this song was, as far as I’m concerned, representative of what the hippie/peaceniks of the time felt. It was a Strangelove world, and at 61, it seems still a Strangelove world. (Sigh…)
Thank you for your comment. Time to revive these songs. Teach them to our children. Speak out against war.
My brother John and I spent days writing Zor and Zam. We felt that a simpler way to end strife would be to help people understand that they need to take part in aggressive actions; that by unfollowing the war mongers peace was possible.
Bill Chadwick