Resources & Activities for International Peace Day

Resources & Activities for International Peace Day

What is International Peace Day?  The International Day of Peace, or as it is often titled, World Peace Day occurs on September 21st every year. This day is officially dedicated  to world peace, and the elimination of war and violence. The day was established in 1981 by the United Nations as a way to bring world attention […]

Develop Empathy: Pathways Taken

Develop Empathy: Pathways Taken

How do we develop more empathy?  What does it look like? by Tim Wolcott Develop Empathy through Trust Empathy is grounded in mutual trust.  James Baldwin called for faith in the “evidence of things not seen”.  He believed we should live life with the assumption that a sense of decency might yet live in the […]

Remembering Hiroshima

Remembering Hiroshima

The Nuclear Threat Initiative sent me the following e-mail this morning: “Seventy-one years ago tomorrow, the city of Hiroshima was leveled by an awesome and gruesome new weapon: the atomic bomb. Three days later, Nagasaki faced the same fate. Today, the world has entered a new and potentially more dangerous era of nuclear risks. Consider […]

Muhammad Ali: A Man of Peace

Designated by the United Nations in 1998 as a UN Messenger for Peace, Muhammad Ali (1942-2016) is best remembered in his passing as a man dedicated to justice.  Six themes guided his life: respect, confidence, conviction, dedication, giving and spirituality. Combined they produced a man who wasn’t afraid to stand up for what he believed in […]

Nonviolent Resistance: Twice as Effective as War

Post by Tim Wolcott I financially support and post pieces on independent media, because I believe mainstream media is part of how militarism remains entrenched in our society.  So when I learned from a recent presentation by Kevin Martin, President of Peace Action National, that The Washington Post published January 18, 2016 an article by […]

Eleanor Roosevelt on Peace

Eleanor Roosevelt: A Teach Peace Now Hero    

Inspiration from the Art of JahSun

Inspiration from the Art of JahSun

  Yelling and profanity burst our joyous family union like a needle stabbing a balloon.  What was once a warm, inter-generational breakfast became a cauldron of fury and recrimination.   Months passed until forgiveness and apology began the process of healing.    A careless comment from my spouse hurt, but letting it go became the balm to […]

Martin Luther King on Injustice

Martin Luther KIng tells us… Injustice is…a threat to justice Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Injustice is…poverty & homelessness & starvation The rich must not ignore the poor because […]

The Predator: A Play about War and Peace

The two act play The Predator by Jack Gilroy was first presented at Georgetown University in 2011. Since then it has been performed in many venues from New York to Georgia.  The play presents four women each with a different viewpoint on the role of the military, on the military conflicts our country is currently engaged […]

5 Resolutions for a More Peaceful World by Teach Peace Now

5 Resolutions for a More Peaceful World by Teach Peace Now

Over two thousand years ago, Chinese philosopher Lao-Tse showed us the way to peace in the world. Based on his thoughts, here are our Teach Peace Now’s 2016 resolutions for a more peaceful world. May they speak to you as they do to us. One There must be peace in the heart. If there is to […]

10 Quotes for Peace

This is the season when our minds turn to the contemplation of peace on earth, and we send cards and social media messages to our friends and loved ones wishing for peace. We at Teach Peace Now have gathered together ten thought-provoking quotes on peace that speak to the soul and heart and are not […]

International Day for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

September 26th is International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. With Nuclear War only a hair trigger away, the Union for Concerned Scientists calls on us to do something about this threat that could destroy the world. How big a threat is it? According to, nine countries in the world control 15,695 […]