Looking for some great books to gift the children in your lives? Here are some TPN recommended books:
Books for Holiday Gift Giving

Looking for some great books to gift the children in your lives? Here are some TPN recommended books:
In this simply stated book a young girl describes her mother and grandmother, both named Mrs. Gibson. One woman is African American, the other is Japanese American.
This bilingual book about mixing up combinations of things shows just how silly it is to think that everything, including families, have to match. A great read for children everywhere.
~ PINWHEELS FOR PEACE ~ Pinwheels for Peace was started by two retired art teachers. Today thousands of children make pinwheels and plant them in a peace sign on International Peace Day on September 21. Learn more here. Students of all ages decorate a pinwheel pattern with peaceful scenes and then work together to create the […]
~ Peacemaker Biographies ~ A Teach Peace Now Lesson Plan Grade 3 and up Objective To learn that many people have had the courage to stand up for what they believe and make change in the world. Procedure: Ask students to name people they know of who have contributed to making the world a more […]
~ You Can Make a Difference ~ A Teach Peace Now Lesson for All Ages Make a Difference: Introduction Each of us has personal strengths that can make a difference in the kind of world we live in. It can be a difference in one’s family, among friends, in school, in the community, in our […]
Have you ever tried to describe the color of your skin? For fiction writers, especially those writing multicultural books and those for children, coming up with color names to describe skin is an ongoing challenge. Coming up with color names for skin often crops up with children’s lessons on racism and in literature classes, too. A teacher, […]
All the Colors We Are by Katie Kissinger is a bilingual English-Spanish picture book intended for very young children. Amply illustrated with delightful photographs of children, adults, and families, this book explains in simple language why people have different color skin. Every child should be read this book. And while preschool is the place to […]
Written by MaryBeth Lorbiecki, Sister Anne’s Hands, is set in the 1960s. Told from the viewpoint of a white second grade girl, this is the story of a nun with dark skin who comes to teach in an all white Catholic school. The young narrator has never seen a black person before. She comes to love and […]
Many people played a role in the Civil Rights Movement. She Stood for Freedom is a brand new children’s book that tells the story of Joan Trumpauer Mulholland. Although raised in the South and surrounded by segregation, Joan was angered by the unfair treatment of people because of the color of their skin. In 1960, despite […]
Grant is a six-year-year old boy who is one of the “little people.” He suffers from a form of dwarfism – DiastrophicDisplasia. He has a message that everyone should hear. To learn more about dwarfism and bullying visit Kids Health. To learn more about Grant visit his Facebook Page Please share Grant’s message and help fight […]
Designated by the United Nations in 1998 as a UN Messenger for Peace, Muhammad Ali (1942-2016) is best remembered in his passing as a man dedicated to justice. Six themes guided his life: respect, confidence, conviction, dedication, giving and spirituality. Combined they produced a man who wasn’t afraid to stand up for what he believed in […]