The arts are a universal language of peace

by Joan Koster, author Growing Artists: Teaching the Arts to Young Children We may not understand the words in a song or the techniques in a painting from another time or place, but we can feel the artist’s humanity and feel what is important to him or her.  In this way we can cross boundaries […]

Delayed Gratification

Who can wait longer for a reward? A human or a chimpanzee? In an article in  Eric Jensen’s November blog,  Jensen cites recent research that shows that chimpanzees can delay gratification longer than people. Here is an excerpt:      *************** …The study pitted 19 chimps against 40 humans in a groundbreaking experiment. What you’re about to […]

What’s wrong with this picture?

By Tim Wolcott “Help us stomp out domestic violence – join Waverly Cares.” The President of STANYS (Science Teachers Association of New York State), my professional association, rallies us to implement Common Cores (national teaching standards) and SLO’s (Student Learning Objectives), address STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math teaching objectives), adhere to RTTT (Race To […]

I want to be a good person

There was once a boy named Nikolai who sometimes felt uncertain about the right way to act. “I want to be a good person…but I don’t always know the best way to do that.” So writes Jon J. Muth in a retelling of a story by Leo Tolstoy: The Three Questions. When is the best time to do […]

Bully by Patricia Polacco

Patricia Polacco has a new picturebook out. If you are expecting a sweet-hearted book like Thunder Cake or Renchko’s Eggs or Bun Bun Button, be forewarned, Polacco has again gone to the nub of an issue and faced it square on.  This is a picturebook for middle schoolers not elementary school children. The characters are […]

Be Strong, Be Mean, or Give In?

       In the corner of the preschool, Tio is building a block tower.        “I’ll put this block on.” Andy says picking up a big blue block.        “No way,” Tio says.  “This is my tower.”        “Then you can’t use this block, ” Andy says clutching it to his chest.        Tio stands up. “Give it back.” […]

Be an “Upstander”

Be an “Upstander”

October is Anti-Bullying Month The Dignity for All Students Act has sent school districts scurrying to buy the latest and greatest anti-bullying programs. At the Lehman Alternative Community School in Ithaca New York they are using  a homegrown program initiated by the school’s social worker Celia Clement two years ago. Clement’s program called WAM “Welcoming […]

Is War Inevitable?

Is War Inevitable?

Modern man inherits all the pugnacity and all the love of glory of his ancestors. Showing war’s irrationality and horror has no effect on him. The horrors make the fascination. War is the strong life. William James Last Friday, September 21, was the International Day of Peace. Did you honor the day? I did. Thousands […]

Celebrate – Create Sustainable Peace

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a day when people everywhere stopped fighting wars, and instead gave humanitarian aid?  By Tim Wolcott Well, there is a day dedicated each year to the cessation of hostilities and to public awareness of issues related to peace.  It’s the International Day of Peace, established by the United Nations […]

International Day of Democracy

September 15th is the International Day of Democracy. A good day to check out how democracy plays out in your own family, community, and school. When I was a child, I attended a “Democracy in Action” elementary school. In every class from kindergarten to sixth grade we voted – every day. We voted on which […]

International Literacy Day

Imagine not being able to read. You would not be able to text a message or send an e-mail. You would not be able to blog. You would not have access to the wonderful world of books. Reading is a human right. September 8th is International Literacy Day a day set aside by the United […]

Remembering Hell

Remembering Hell by Joan Koster What are you planning to do tomorrow? Get up? Eat breakfast? Go to work? Sixty-four years ago on August 6th, 1945 the people living in the city of Hiroshima were getting ready for their day. At 8:15 AM the first atomic bomb was dropped, killing 140,000 people in a man-made […]