Conflict Resolution Activities.

 ~Resolving Conflicts One Way or Another ~

Conflict Resolution is a complex process that involves identifying a conflict, deciding on a way to address that conflict, and then carrying out that plan in a nonviolent way.

The following TPN activities, articles, and book reviews are designed to help foster the resolution of conflicts wherever they occur – at home, at school, in the community, and in the world.

Developing Empathy

Anger vs Empathy

Identifying Stereotypes

Showing Empathy

Teaching Empathy

Understanding Different Points of View

Dealing with Conflict

Understanding Conflict

Identifying Conflict and Resolution in Children’s Books

Name Calling

Using Children’s Books to Address Name Calling

Learning to Cooperate

Are You Cooperative?

Restorative Justice

Learning to Cooperate

Coming to a Consensus

Cooperation is Tricky

Standing Up to Violence

Alternatives to Violence

Does Torture Work?

Guns and Violence

Martin Luther King on Injustice

Non-Violent Resistance: More Effective than War

More activities can be found by searching on the term conflict resolution, bullying, and by visiting these TPN approved websites.

More Conflict Resolution Resources

Ages and Stages: Learning to Solve Conflicts

Conflict Resolution Network

Development of Conflict Resolution Skills in Infancy and Early Childhood

Resolving Conflict Guidelines

Solving Workplace Conflict

Teaching Children to Solve Conflict Respectfully