4 Children’s Books about War

~ The Foolishness of War ~ Armistice or Remembrance Day November 11 was designated a holiday to recognize the ending of WWI hostilities in Europe in 1918. Would that had been the end of all wars as people hoped back then, instead of the beginning of modern warfare. Here are four children’s books that address the […]

Syria Retaliation: What are we teaching our children?

The new school year has started. Teachers are busy educating their new students about how to behave in the classroom – How to make friends. How to help others. How to deal with bullies. In some school districts and states teachers are implementing new and tougher policies against bullying. These policies are very strict. Here, […]

What if they gave a war and nobody came?

What does it take to have a war? Soldiers – men and women willing to kill. A cause – any will do. Hatred – You can’t kill someone you love. Some times a children’s picture book can be more profound than the greatest philosopher. A children’s book puts into pictures and words concepts that are […]

3 Poetry Books for April

April is National Poetry Month. What books are you reading to your children? Are they full of hippity hoppity bunnies and spring flowers? Nothing wrong with that. But how about trying one or more of these.  Here are three poetic books to share with your children. Each one is completely different from the other, but […]

Is War Inevitable?

Is War Inevitable?

Modern man inherits all the pugnacity and all the love of glory of his ancestors. Showing war’s irrationality and horror has no effect on him. The horrors make the fascination. War is the strong life. William James Last Friday, September 21, was the International Day of Peace. Did you honor the day? I did. Thousands […]

Celebrate – Create Sustainable Peace

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a day when people everywhere stopped fighting wars, and instead gave humanitarian aid?  By Tim Wolcott Well, there is a day dedicated each year to the cessation of hostilities and to public awareness of issues related to peace.  It’s the International Day of Peace, established by the United Nations […]

Remembering Hell

Remembering Hell by Joan Koster What are you planning to do tomorrow? Get up? Eat breakfast? Go to work? Sixty-four years ago on August 6th, 1945 the people living in the city of Hiroshima were getting ready for their day. At 8:15 AM the first atomic bomb was dropped, killing 140,000 people in a man-made […]